3PL, selection of possible partners in the future in forwarding service business, and business matching in India

Target country: India
Background and assignments
The client company is looking into penetrating the Indian market of logistics. It has already gone through meetings about investment to business operators of a certain size of business in India and partnership with them. Grasping the current situation of the market and competition there, the client is willing to list possible partners and make infant appointments to those with high possibility.
Arches’ approaches
・Market research(Desk research)
ーRestrictions on foreign investment in logistics, presence or absence of preferential treatments, and investigation on the contents
ーMarket size, shift and growth rate depending on the industry of end users and domestic areas.
ーDramatic changes to domestic logistics and investigation on assignments
・Making a longlist(Desk research)
ーMaking a longlist of existing 3PL and business operators of forwarding service in the target area whose business size is within the range determined in this case.
ーResearch on each companies’ business summary, websites, established year, career summary of representatives, products they handle, covering areas, presence or absence of possessing assets, financial performance and so on.
We confirmed whether 5 companies which we selected through the meetings with the client had intentions of taking partnership with Japanese companies and arranged initial interviews with them.