Expert Knowledge Bank
Transcribed interviews with experts and investors from around the world,
stored in a database. Easy unlimited access at any time.
Knowledge Bank
Arches provides services that connect customers worldwide with the knowledge and experience of experts who are active on the front lines of each region and industry. “Expert Knowledge Bank” enables access to experts’ specialized knowledge, “Expert Matching” allows you to directly interact with experts with pinpoint questions you want to ask, and “Expert Solutions” allows you to get a market study and strategic advices on specific themes.
Transcribed interviews with experts and investors from around the world,
stored in a database. Easy unlimited access at any time.
We connect you with vetted and hand-picked experts to engage in a private conversation
to collect valuable data points and perspectives to
support your most critical business decision.
Arches' consulting team conducts research using our unique
network of experts and provides desk research, reporting and strategic advice.
Country : United States, Europe What led to your decisio…
Background of request We wanted to investigate what were…
Available to conduct expert interviews at a reasonable cost…