Efficiently Finding Overseas Suppliers : Received smooth support not only for the research but also for the actual operation phase.
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Expert Solution
We requested research for our subsidiary, a chemical manufacturer that mainly produces plastics. We had entered the recycled plastic market in response to the impact of green initiatives and had been adopted by many manufacturers. However, only in the area of home appliance manufacturers had there been little progress in introducing recycled plastic, and we needed to investigate the reasons for this along with understanding the trends of other companies in order to expand sales in that category.
We consulted with our research department for advice, and they introduced us to Arches who they had been working with for about a year, in which their business with us was increasing due to their superiority in terms of cost and quality.
We requested quotations from several companies, including Arches, but we ended up choosing Arches because they had experience with similar projects and had more knowledge about recycled materials than other companies. In addition, although all manufacturers publicly disclose their sustainability activities, we needed to get a clear and correct picture in order to develop a good strategy, so a research utilizing expert interviews met our requirements.
We interviewed people who work for major global home appliance manufacturers to find out to what extent they are using eco-friendly materials, the reasons why these materials are not widely used, and their future sustainability policies. Although each company has publicly announced its policy on sustainability, we believe that the value of the expert interview method is that it provided us with information on how far the adoption of sustainability measures has progressed and how feasible it is in reality to take measures to address this issue.
Although the research we commissioned this time was mainly based on interviews, many members of Arches came from major consulting firms, and we were very grateful to them for their kind and effective advice on what sales strategy we should adopt based on the research results. When new issues emerged during the research, Arches suggested the scope and priorities, and we were able to proceed while making appropriate adjustments.
County: India Would you tell us about the main roles of …
County: Thailand This client had been utilizing our Expe…